I fucking hate Missy Pxnk

my name is Missy Pxnk. i'm a music disc spinner and enjoyer. awful with CSS.
occasional food moaner. sometimes i connect frequencies and call it music and collage shit together and call it art. supremely in love with my partner :p

to do list O _o
✩✩✩ - deep clean CSS and html, organize it
✩✩✩ - include a section that has a daily, rotating playlist full a fun music for u all to listen to #imadjbtw
✩ - add creative portals
✩ - add blog/articles
✩ - need archives
✩ - put more secrets...
✩ - current mood section
✩ - manifesto
digital | mindscape
current mindscape .. .
my mindscape is coming together more and more as time goes on. hoping to add more pages, clean up code, and include a thorough archive.
ive been hard at work trying to update the flow of the* website whenever i find myself with ample free time. the more i like to look at my website, the more motivated i am to keep going. my goal is to have this site have plenty of stuff to look at and read.

adding a lot of quality of life improvements, one of which being having a date on the bottom of sections like this to preserve personal archives. preserving information, personal to myself, has been a topic on my mind lately.
I have a lot more to say about this topic that i'm hoping to record into a blog or even an article. for now, i'll leave it at that, i do not want to ramble aimlessly. meow!
also, why the fuck does my jukebox not work anymore!!!!! shit you not i did NOTHING with it, it literally just decided to stop working one day! what the efffing fucki!!!
the portal
featured audio
11ai - galaxi
a track im growing more and more fond of the more i listen to it. i found this on my commute to work recently. i really enjoy listening to it!
tracks like this very much invoke such a nostalgic feeling for me. back in highschool, i was a heavy deadmau5 fan (oops), and i feel like every now and then i hear elements of that in this track.
this track also makes me feel like im traversing in some sort of run-down, forgotten about mall somewhere in a city. almost like a jungle retro-futurism enviroment, where people are parkouring to get to where they need to go.
does that make sense? probably not.
featured video
"this would be an official music video and i would have no questions."
how fucking cool would it be to play on this... its just so fucking WEIRD!! but COOL!!
site updates ..
✩ 2/13/25 - rearranged the website layout a little more, added a floating sidebar, removed a lot of borders #KILLALLBORDERS
✩ 2/7/25 - made the main space wider and connected the boxes into one, singular unit.
✩ 1/5/25 - slightly redesigned my entire website (ok, maybe not just slightly, but still)

Otherworldly Transmissions
interdimensional travel
mood boards
polaroid collections